Apache Log Visualization with Matplotlib : Learn Data Science
This post discusses Apache log visualization with Matplotlib library. First, download the data file used in this example from here.
We will require numpy and matplotlib
In [1]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
numpy.loadtext() can directly load a text file in an array requests-idevji.txt contains only hour on which request was made, this is achieved by pre-prcoessing the Apache log.
In [2]:
data = np.loadtxt (‘requests-idevji.txt’)
We need 24 bins because we have 24 hours’ data. For other attributes of hist() see references.
In [3]:
plt.hist(data, bins=24)
plt.title(“Requests @ iDevji”)
plt.ylabel(“# Requests”)
Text(0,0.5,’# Requests’)
In [4]:

Apache Log Visualization with Matplotlib : Learn Data Science